The Keyway Tri-Gauge:

  • Takes seconds to measure the three critical dimensions after probes are set.
  • One small gauge eliminates the need for granite tables and costly measuring equipment.
  • Is used on the machine on the floor by machinists and quality inspection controllers.
  • Over 500 in use all over the world.

The New vs. Old Way of Cutting Keyways

Machinist using the Keyway Tri-Gauge

The Tri-Gauge was born in a progressive, advanced Milwaukee machining production facility. And it has proved its worth in thousands of applications throughout Southeastern Wisconsin. It is here, in one of the world centers of the machining industry, that the Keyway Tri-Gauge has become a world class production tool. There is no other gauge like it. In terms of increased productivity of quality work, the Keyway Tri-Gauge must be considered a very important, very necessary advancement.

The Dreier Corporation Keyway Trigauge has also received the Governor’s New Product Award from the Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers

WI Governor's New Product Award

The Japanese patent for the Keyway Tri-Gauge

Dreier Japanese Patent